
Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Blind Side

Dear Hollywood,

With everything going so wrong all around the world (wars, global warming, crazy people killing other people) I want to thank you for producing movies such as "The Blind Side". Not only is it a feel-good movie, but it is a real story of a man who endured a tough life, encountered people who could not have been more different than him who took him in and loved him for who he is, and then made it BIG! It is truly amazing to see that those good people are still out there.

Favorite moments: when Sandra Bullock's character does a smack down of the "country-club, I am so much better than you because I have a fake tan and pearls" women. Ohhhhh...how many times have we all wanted to do that??? I know I have!

Sandra's performance was indeed wonderful. I am not sure it was Oscar-worthy, but what the heck. I've enjoyed her in really bad movies too so this was definitely a best-in-career role for her.

So thank you Hollywood for making me feel better about the world.

PS: A shout out is necessary for Arlington Drafthouse, where you can watch a movie for $2 on Tuesdays and order beer and burgers at your own discretion. You rock and definitely add to the feel goodness of it all!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!